2022 Beth Haven Fundamental Workouts and Camps
Individual Workouts will be offered on the following dates and times:
Monday May 9 5:15pm-6pm
Thursday, May 12, 5:15 pm-6 pm
Monday May 16 5:15pm-6pm
Thursday, May 19, 5:15 pm-6 pm
Wednesday, June 1, 5:15 pm-6 pm
Friday June 3 1pm-2pm
Saturday June 4 1pm-2pm
Monday June 6 5:15pm-6:15pm
Thursday, June 9, 5:15 pm-6:15 pm
Monday June 13 5:15pm-6:15pm
Friday, June 17, 10 am-11 am
July Individual Workouts will be offered as well
We will offer three basketball camps on the following dates:
Wednesday, June 1, and Thursday, June 2 Beth Haven Basketball Camp (Two Day Camp)
Open to Boys and Girls Grades K-8
8:30am-10:30am (K-4) Cost: $30 for both days
10:30am-12:30pm (5-8) Cost: $30 for both days
Thursday, June 23 and Friday, June 24 - Beth Haven Basketball Camp (Two Day Camp)
Open to Boys Girls Grades K-8
8:30am-10:30am (K-4) Cost: $30 for both days
10:30am-12:30pm (5-8) Cost: $30 for both days
August 2-4 Bearcat Back to School Camp (3 Day Camp)- Open to Boys and Girls - Grades 1-8
Camp Cost $45 add a T-Shirt $50 (Cash App @$StinnettBasketball or Check Payable to Beth Haven Christian)
Grades 1-4 will work out from 8:30 am until 10:30 am
Grades 5-8 will work out from 10:30 am until 12:30 pm