October 15 is a Special Day:Obedience is the Difference Maker
As I enter my 25th year of coaching with the official start to practice today, I have a lot of thoughts going through my head. First off my biggest thought is I still feel like the first day I went into practice 25 years ago, full of energy and ready to prepare to win a championship. However, I feel much more experienced than that first practice at Daviess Co. Middle School. Ive been apart of some very good teams on opening day over those 25 years, but going into today I feel just as excited with my team at Beth Haven Christian as any of them. The bottom line is it all comes down to being fundamentally sound, mentally tough, unselfish, and in great condition. If that can be established from Day 1, good things will happen for any basketball team.
However, I have learned over the years that if those 4 traits exist in a team, then the difference maker is the Obedience of the group. Notice here I said group!!!! Coaches, Players, and Managers make up the group! If the total program will be obedient over the course of the season, special things will happen in March. What is Obedience? To me it is doing what you are supposed to do when no one is looking/deep concept. If the group will obey team rules, school rules, and do what they are supposed to do on and off the floor it will be a special year. I always tell my teams, it is up to us if we want to be blessed with a special year by our actions day in and day out everywhere we go and everything we do. Sacrifice will have to take place in order to be that special (miracle, cinderella) team. What goes on in practice and in the games is only a small part of what goes into having a blessed season. Don't forget about that US History class or that party decision you will have to make at some point (whether to go or whether to take part in something you good and well know you should not). Good teams are made behind close doors with the decisons they make!!!!! Good luck to everyone this year!!!!
2 John 1:6 And this is love, that we walk according to his commandments; this is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, so that you should walk in it.